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Health & wellness, athletic recovery, weight loss, beauty & anti-aging are among the benefits of cryotherapy. Find the latest scientific articles, research and clinical studies on Whole Body Cryotherapy and its effects on pain relief, athletic recovery, muscle relaxation and more. Cryotherapy facts, cryosauna treatment information, pictures. Cryotherapy for health, fitness & beauty.

An online training course to enhance knowledge of cryotherapy and cryo equipment
Cryomed provides a new online training course that tackles whole-body cryotherapy mechanisms, customization, safety, and protocols for the most common healthcare, sports, wellness, and beauty applications. read more

At-home cryotherapy: what can it look like?
At-home cryotherapy: what can it look like? Whole-body and local cryotherapy has become a new trend in wellness, recovery, and sports medicine. Thousands of people are attending specialized cryo centers or use cryo cabinets in clinics every day. A 10-session course...
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2 Million Likes For The Photo In The Cryosauna!
Kylian Mbappé’s photo in our cryosauna gathered more than two million likes! The athlete looks relaxed and very satisfied. No wonder the post became popular and generated about 10 000 comments. read more
Main Cryotherapy Market Drivers For The Next 4 Years
The fast growth of cryotherapy market, new fields of its application, new territories for potential expansion - all these in the latest cryotherapy market research. Read here about main cryotherapy market drivers.
Industries Where Whole-Body Cryotherapy Can Be Used
Cryotherapy is not anymore only for professional athletes and celebrities. Now it is in high demand between people focusing on a healthy lifestyle, emotional and mental well-being. If you are looking for new business opportunities, read our article about industries where whole-body cryotherapy can be used.
The main differences between cryosauna and cryo chamber. Infographics.
In our infographics let’s have a closer look and identify the common features and the differences between cryosaunas and cryo chambers.
Cryotherapy facial – a natural way to look younger
Cryotherapy facial is a cryogenic treatment that is performed by a local cryotherapy device. An immediate feeling of freshness and recovery in the process of comprehensive healing is complemented by firmer, tighter skin, reduction of visible wrinkles and overall rejuvenation.
Electric and nitrogen cryosauna – what is the difference?
The cryotherapy industry keeps growing every year. Now along with individual nitrogen-based cryosaunas, pioneers on the market, one-person electric cryosaunas have appeared. Read here what are the main differences between them.
New service for used cryotherapy machines owners
Cryosaunas marketplace from one side helps the owners of used cryotherapy equipment of any brand to sell their machines which they no longer need. From the other side - people looking to buy cryo machines which have been in use can find a suitable option.
Disinfection tips for reopening
Countries are releasing the lockdown. When you plan your own re-opening, there are plenty of things to keep in mind, including proper disinfection. We've prepared a list of disinfection tips for health and wellness businesses.
How Cryotherapy Works for Anxiety
Many people know whole-body cryotherapy as an effective method against injuries or chronic pain, muscle restores and immune system stimulation. But very little of them know about cryotherapy side effects. In this article, we will talk about one of them, a positive one, - anxiety treatment.
Cryotherapy and ice bath: what are the differences?
Cold is a well-known pain reducer and immune system stimulator. It has been used for ages by athletes in sports medicine mainly in the form of ice baths. But today there is a more effective and comfortable way to get desired results - whole body cryotherapy. Read here what cryotherapy and ice baths have in common and what are the main differences.