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Special Offer For All Stock Cryosaunas


Cryo Главная » News » Special Offer For All Stock Cryosaunas

There is a wonderful news for those who intend to buy a cryosauna – we offer a 10% discount for all stock units! You can buy our cryogenic equipment at a special price till the end of September ’19. To receive the discount, you should prepay your order in full. Don’t miss your chance! The offer is valid only for end users.

Best whole-body cryosaunas are on sale now – Cryomed Pro and Cryomed One in various colors, both in pressurized and Dewar versions. To choose a cryo chamber which suits you best, please contact us for advice.

Best cryosaunas for special price!

Best cryosaunas for special price!

We are constantly updating the information on stock units in our site, but for more accurate data on availability of specific models please contact our sales department.

Business Opportunities

Cryomed ™ is a well-known cryosaunas brand. In our factory, we have established and implemented a quality management system covering the manufacture, distribution, installation and servicing of medical cryotherapy devices. We have no secrets – just high-quality products and flexible equipment delivery conditions such as trade-in, lease or rental. Contact us to get your cryo chamber price and become our distributor!