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First Cryotherapy Centre and SPA in Canada


Cryo Главная » Video » First CryoTherapy Centre and Spa in Canada (video)

Learn about Canada’s first cryotherapy chamber for SPA.

“What makes Qore health special and unique are people. They are brilliant and people that we are attracting are as equally brilliant. We are really about positive living, doing what’s best in our lives, living from the core, telling our truth, living our passions and supporting each other in doing that. The main thing that we offer here are the cryosauna and we have the infrared sauna. Ones cryotherapy, ones the hot therapy”, tells us the owner of the centre in the video.

“What made me want to try the cryotherapy is the potential for rapid weight loss. Sounds good to me!”, says one of the visitors of the centre.

“When I looked at cryotherapy I recognized it in my practice. I deal with people with pain all the time. Inflammation, lots of chronic problems and there are times when they need help other than I can do… The cryotherapy has been done for 30 years. There have been lots of studies so it’s shawn that it can make an effect”, says physiotherapist of the cryotherapy centre.

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Cryomed ™ is a well-known cryosaunas brand. In our factory, we have established and implemented a quality management system covering the manufacture, distribution, installation and servicing of medical cryotherapy devices. We have no secrets – just high-quality products and flexible equipment delivery conditions such as trade-in, lease or rental. Contact us to get your cryosauna prices and become our distributor!