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“Freeze Yourself”! Cryosaunas on Today Show Channel 9


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A revolutionary deep freeze treatment for athletes is now being offered to the rest of us. From arthritis to chronic skin conditions the results have been startling. So intrepid today reporter Mike Dulton tried it out.

First, he asked some visitors of cryotherapy center about their impressions.

Victoria Hewitt is trying it out for the first time on the recommendation of the rugby playing boyfriend.

Feeling that cold feeling goes through your body and you’re putting your muscles start loosening up. I just feel great, really invigorating.

Now it’s time for Mike to try cryotherapy. “Mind you the spooky computer voice wasn’t helping”, jokes the author in the video.

I must confess that I did feel rather pumped at the end of it all. I noticed it most back outside when I started to sweat, the author liked the cryotherapy effect.

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