We are pleased to inform you of our most recent and appreciated activity – the 1st Annual Cryomed Meeting for our distributors, which took place in the beautiful setting of the TARTUF Hotel**** Beladice, Slovakia on November the 8th.
We had the chance to welcome and meet partners from 13 countries. The aim of the meeting was to connect Cryomed distributors from different countries worldwide and let us all share the knowledge, experience and vision for the future.
Cryomed, as a manufacturing company, informed all the participants about new products launches for 2019:
– CRYOMED ONE – a unique device with adaptive Nitrogen feeder and an ergonomic size.
– CRYOFAN 2019 – new local cryotherapy device.
– CRYOMED PRO M – Medical Device Class IIb – brand new device with an official medical certification.
We also presented new product visuals and informative brochures specifically created for 3 channels:
– MEDICAL – for medical centres, physiotherapy, general practices and clinics;
– BEAUTY – for beauty salons, beauty centres, clinics and wellness hotels;
– SPORT – for sports clubs, fitness studios and individual sportsmen, professional and amateur.
We invited Mr. MUDr. Ernest Caban – cryotherapy pioneer, to give us some scientific background and deeper understanding about the benefits of cryotherapy and its biological facts. It‘s crucial knowledge for us to follow and better understand our customer’s needs and possible future device features.
Of course, it wasn‘t just about business topics. We also had a great time together to create a real and great Cryomed Team! We‘d like to thank all the participants for their insights and thoughts and strongly believe that everyone had a great experience and their ideas will move our company and products to the next level in the near future!
See you next year at the 2nd Annual Cryomed Meeting 2019!
Business Opportunities
Cryomed ™ is a well-known cryosaunas brand. In our factory, we have established and implemented a quality management system covering the manufacture, distribution, installation and servicing of medical cryotherapy devices. We have no secrets – just high-quality products and flexible equipment delivery conditions such as trade-in, lease or rental. Contact us to get your cryo sauna price and become our distributor!