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Cryomed has achieved a new goal – a new cryosauna for the medical industry!


Cryo Главная » News » Cryomed has achieved a new goal – a new cryosauna for the medical industry!
New Cryomed Pro Medical

Cryomed is happy to announce that our new device, the Cryomed Pro M (Medical), has successfully passed all the security, safety and efficacy tests performed by the Institute for Testing and Certification.

This means that the Cryomed Pro M has been certified as meeting the requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices, Annex II excluding (4) and is now officially a Medical Cryotherapy Device class 2B.

Based on the Cryomed Pro device, the Cryomed Pro M is equipped with all the necessary and useful functions available for our clients and is available in white and grey colours. Moreover, the Cryomed Pro M device contains a newly developed, CE approved electronic system controlled by a TECO touchscreen, which focuses on reliability and offers the maximum protection for the customer.

The Cryomed Pro M is now available to the medical industry (hospitals, private clinics, etc.) in some EU countries.

B2B Proposal

Cryomed is one of the best and most modern cryotherapy saunas manufacturers. Our products are used all over the world. We have no secrets – just high-quality products and flexible equipment delivery conditions such as trade-in, lease or rental. Do you want to become our partner and start your own cryosauna business? Just contact us.