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Warranty terms upgrade for all models of cryosaunas


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We are excited to announce our stepped-up warranty obligations. 

We at Cryomed value our clients and partners, and we are sure of the excellent quality of our cryotherapy equipment, which is why we decided to extend our warranty for all whole-body cryotherapy products.

Our updated warranty covers three years or maximum 6,000 sessions (whatever comes first). Whether you have a consumer-grade model (Mini or Basic) or a high-end cryosauna (like One, One+, Pro, Pro+), new conditions apply to all whole-body cryotherapy equipment.

New terms come into force on August 15, 2020, and apply to any equipment purchased after that date.

For any questions concerning our cryotherapy equipment and warranty conditions, please contact our sales team: + 421 918 250 160 or info@cryomedpro.com

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Cryomed is one of the world-famous cryosauna manufacturers. Our products are used all over the world. We have no secrets – just high-quality products and flexible equipment delivery conditions such as trade-in, lease or rental. Do you want to become our partner and start your own cryosauna business? Just contact us.